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martes, 26 de mayo de 2009


Maybe one day I dont remember you,
maybe wake up and you dont stay.
I hope that it dont cross never,
cuz I love you for ever.

I never forgot you,
cuz I love you,
Give you my life.
Like that you are my wife.

Maybe we be due to dismiss us,
maybe one day can join us,
cuz you are a great woman,
and I like be you're man.

Hope that one day join us,
for can court us,
like the first day
that I meet you.

Love you whitout end.
Are you ever in my mind.
Hope that never forgot you,
that never end to love you.

Maybe one day I dont remember you,
I wish that these day dont come,
cuz you are the woman that love more,
cuz you are my hope,

hope of life,
hope of love.
I like to love you
and my life give you.

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